dinsdag 26 maart 2013


Our friend Robby from #13 skateshop moved to a new location. He built a ramp in the back of his place that's even bigger than the shop itself! So he needed some blocks for the extension and the
ladder. Robby's really supporting underground skateboarding by selling confusion, yama, warriors, servant,.. So make sure to go there, have a roll and buy some stuff!! www.numero13.be

woensdag 6 maart 2013

K.O. Rails

A litlle help for our fastplants and lipslides!!

zondag 3 maart 2013

oldskool deathbox session

we did an epic session on this gem that now acts as Jef's tv cabinet.
happy B-day chief !

so we fixed up a death box and laid some coping down at the mechelen skatepark.